Case Studies

The Paradigm Goes Digital

Healthcare’s high-profile National Breast Cancer Awareness Month Campaign needed to re-invent itself as a source of compelling and credible information in the age of Internet static. A conference of medical, media and business leaders joined forces as a think tank to forge new communication strategies. Nationally known storytellers translated workshop results into stories they then shared with a rapt general session. Attendee feedback cited the event as one of the most valuable and inspiring healthcare conferences ever attended.

Beyond the Call of Duty

AT&T had 10 weeks to launch a new service product nationally, from design to training and implementation. An integrated communications plan created simultaneous internal and external communications that included theming, branding, advertising, collateral, launch meetings and field training for 34 U.S. regional offices. It took a single Airborne jet to deliver the materials to the field for the simultaneous national rollout. The value delivered and success of the launch turned the client into a raving fan.

Storytelling Creates Unity and Branding

In developing a new visioning initiative for a Brevard County, Florida, we discovered that conflicting images and a lack of unity undermined opportunities for growth and cooperation. In workshops with 35 key county stakeholders (representing government, education, tourism, the business and nonprofit communities to land developers and environmentalists), we helped craft storylines to unite all factions to support a shared image and brand. The process ensured buy-in at all levels and produced some key new synergies and alliances in the process.

Engaging Brilliant Minds to Explore the Potential of Future Possibilities

The Future of the Computer Symposium
We led this joint effort by Discover Magazine and Disney Institute to develop what was billed as a machine-brain connection in the form of a roundtable on the future of computing. What set this event apart was the provocative dialogue between fertile minds challenged to go far beyond current thinking. Luminaries from the computing world who participated included Marvin Minsky, Dean Karmen, Joy Mountford, Bill Joy, Danny Hillis, Chuck House, and astronaut Story Musgrave. Bran Ferren, president of R&D and the Creative Technology Group at Walt Disney Imagineering, moderated the daylong debate. Discover printed excerpts from the event that highlighted the potential – and peril – represented by the next generation of computing power.

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